Saturday 24 September 2011

Craniuim Kid In The Flesh

Wow! We've just received a sample of the book from Miss Fanny Wu, our printing correspondent. It's AMAZING! We wanted to give yas a sneak look at the cover in all it's printed glory! Will be tweaking and approving the sample any day now and then the final book will be with us and available to buy at the start of November! Will keep you posted!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Ateneo Grand Splendid Bookstore

WOW! This bookstore is amazing! We wanted to find the most beautiful bookstores in the world and we think The Ateneo Grand Splendid Bookstore in Buenos Aires takes the biscuit. It was formerly a theater built in 1911.You can choose a couple of books and get cosy in one of the theater boxes, brilliant. Next time we're in Buenos Aires we'll definitely be heading there! How about you?

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Zebra's Book Of The Week

We are lovers of Children's books here at ZIATHP, so we wanted to pick one for our favourite book of the week. It is an oldie but a goodie. It is called Mingo Lo Moves The Mountain by Lobel Arnold. Plot: A great big mountain towers over Ming Lo and his wife, drowning out all the light. Ming Lo's wife tells Ming Lo that he must move the mountain. They get some great advice, do a dance and after a few hours, the mountain moves. A great story about believing = achieving, if you don't have it, get it.

Monday 12 September 2011

Amazon's Indie Books

We just came across Amazon's Indie book section, where they have loads of books from independent authors. Check out what they say about indie on Kindle, very exciting stuff! Adding proof that you can go it alone, check it out HERE...

We Love Indie!

Hi all, we have fallen head over heels in love with the independent movement. So we have decided to pick our favourite indie representative every week, from all walks of life. If you would like to feature as one of our indie picks then please email us at! On the other hand, if you would like to use our we love indie logo on something please email us on the above email too and if it meets our criteria then we would be more than happy to send it to you!

Thursday 8 September 2011

Our First Title

Hello all, yes it's been a while since we have blogged. There's just been so much to do lately, many exciting things! We are working closely with a Chinese printers who are incredibly helpful and accommodating! We have sent our first title, Cranium Kid (The Boy Of The Head) to them and soon shall be receiving the first draft for our approval. We researched many printers around the world, including Europe, America and found that the Chinese were, of course, cheaper but more importantly excellent quality printing with glorious colours. Also, not to mention they were super friendly and made things sooo easy for us. So for us it was a no brainer.

We will know in approximately 10 days if it lives up to our dreams of how it should be! We are hoping to have it in the shop and ready for buying by November, if all goes as planned.

Anyway, we wanted to give you guys a sneaky preview of the cover, which includes the mini synopsis and framed photograph of a baby Cranium and his loving Mother...

Friday 24 June 2011

We've Arrived!

Hello all, we have officially arrived on the blogger network. We would love you to follow us on our journey with Zebra In A Top Hat Press. The next post will tell our entire story so far so that you are entirely up to date with what's going on. Fingers (or hooves) crossed for the future of our tiny lil press office. ;)