Thursday 8 September 2011

Our First Title

Hello all, yes it's been a while since we have blogged. There's just been so much to do lately, many exciting things! We are working closely with a Chinese printers who are incredibly helpful and accommodating! We have sent our first title, Cranium Kid (The Boy Of The Head) to them and soon shall be receiving the first draft for our approval. We researched many printers around the world, including Europe, America and found that the Chinese were, of course, cheaper but more importantly excellent quality printing with glorious colours. Also, not to mention they were super friendly and made things sooo easy for us. So for us it was a no brainer.

We will know in approximately 10 days if it lives up to our dreams of how it should be! We are hoping to have it in the shop and ready for buying by November, if all goes as planned.

Anyway, we wanted to give you guys a sneaky preview of the cover, which includes the mini synopsis and framed photograph of a baby Cranium and his loving Mother...

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